Kilbarrack Coast Community Programme CLG
Registered Charity Number 20057497
Our Mission is;
To work to the highest professional standards with those people who have become involved with drugs and their families, to preventively work with young people to stop them becoming involved in drug misuse and to develop and participate in community development initiatives.

Kilbarrack Coast Community Programme has a multi-purpose, community centre in Kilbarrack, Dublin 5. Here, you get to connect with your peers, learn something new, expand your opportunities, all while having fun and learning new skills! With great services and facilities, children and adults alike can always find a new activity or expand their horizons.
Reach Out Project wins prestigious Drugs.ie 2017 National media awards for 18-22 year category
May 1, 2017
The Reach out Project won the 18-22 category in the drugs.ie national media awards 2017. The winning video questioned the normalisation of alcohol use across the generations. How it is often used to mask or control emotions. How once the bottle is open it is hard to close. The award winning film Pandora's bottle explores these complex themes that effect families and the wider community in Ireland today.
Reach Out Project gets runner up place in Drugs.ie 2016 National media awards
May 1, 2016
A gritty social realism film that addresses the party lifestyle of the youth today. How one night of fun can have dramatic and a tragic outcome. This film came runner up in the drugs.ie national media awards 2016.
Kilbarrack's Ode to Banksy is accepted as a finalist in 5 International film festivals
March 1, 2017
This video is a tribute to the renowned street artist "Banksy" and a request for his help to take down a fence that has isolated the children in Kilbarrack from using the last safe outdoor space to play in. Kilbarrack is an under privileged area of Dublin, which doesn't even have one playground. The only safe play area was in an unused car park at the back of a community center in KCCP, which has now been fenced off to keep the children away.
It has been shown in Canada, the USA, Europe, the Middle East and India in a variety of well known International film festivals.
All Videos
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General Programs and Services

Reach Out Project (18-25yrs)
The Reach Out Project (Community Employment) - works with eighteen to twenty-five-year-old cannabis users and polysubstance drug users. Training and personal development are considered as essential parts of recovery (in the Reach-Out Project) with a particular emphasis being placed on improving physical and psychological well-being. The aim is to help people address their specific issues, whatever that may be, and help them re-integrate into the community and progress on to more fulfilling lives.
KCCP/the Reach Out Project prides itself on helping young people become more adaptative to life's stressors by fostering a strong ethos on creative self-expression. The project does this by using art and video media as a platform for developing self-esteem and facilitating a sense of mastery. This material is used to "reach out" to the community, using peer to peer films and artwork, which is designed to challenge perceptions and educate the youth in the community. about drug use, psychological distress and generational issues of social importance.

Youth Matters (9-21yrs)
Youth Matters a Programme for Young People aged 9-21 years is committed to providing young people with a range of stimulating and varied activites presenting a drug free model of socialization. Age appropriate games and informal life skills teaching are an integral part of the programme. Activities include summer projects,trips away,fun days,talent contests, Halloween and Christmas parties and much more!!
Counselling is available free of charge. Parental Consent is required for those who are under 18 years of age.
Youth Matters is staffed by trained and experienced youth workers.
The group meets (Mon; 5pm-9pm) & (Tues, Wed, Thurs; 5pm to 8pm)

Adult Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation
A structured, community based aftercare rehabilitation program. Providing education, training, personal development, counselling and support. KCCP recognises that recovery requires a diverse approach, to enable individuals to meet the challenges involved in recovering from drug & alcohol misuse.

Counselling & Referral Service
KCCP offers a counselling and referral service, open to everybody in the Kilbarrack community. A variety of counselling approaches are used to deal with a range of issues including anxiety, depression, trauma and addiction, etc. A referral service to HSE and other organisations is also provided.

Family Support Group
KCCP recognises that drug/alcohol use affects the whole family & community as well. KCCP offers a variety of supports to family members affected by drug/alcohol misuse. Offering information, advice and support. Drugs awareness & other courses, counselling and acupuncture. The group meets on a Wednesday at 8pm.

Parent and Toddler Group (0-4yrs)
KCCP runs a Parent Toddler Group every Tuesday between 10 am- 12pm, in cooperation with the Northside Partnership and the Dublin North East Drugs Task Force. The group offers support and developmental play with children between 0-4yrs. Open to all Parents and Toddlers in the Kilbarrack area.

A Bit About Us
Enhancing the Quality of Life
The second heroin epidemic affected all disadvantaged areas in Dublin in the early 1990s. In Kilbarrack local community activists joined forces with the statutory agencies to try and tackle the problem. FAS played a leading role in helping drug mis-users, their families and the community by funding ‘special status’ (drugs rehabilitation) CE programmes. Our programme started in July 1997 and year on year we have expanded our services to the local community. In June 2001 KCCP decided to set up Youth Matters an initiative providing a range of recreational, sporting, drama, dance and development activities for young people. Youth Matters links in with over a hundred young people each week (this number increases to 150 during the summer months). Each week a number of clubs are held where young people can come and undertake a range of activities. The summer months allows Youth Matters to organise trips away for all the clubs. These trips include horse riding, canoeing, and swimming and overnight stay in adventure camps the country. A yearly Fun Day is held in August with face painting and bouncy castles. At Halloween a fancy dress party and kiddies disco is held followed by a fireworks display (sponsored by Dublin City Council). For the month of December all the clubs go ice-skating. For a number of years young people have produced calendars and yearbooks. They were also involved in designing and painting wall murals, which are displayed in Kilbarrack DART Station-all of which shows their undoubted talent. Despite not having a proper youth centre Youth Matters continues to try to meet the needs of young people from the Kilbarrack area.
Drugs Rehabilitation Community Employment Programme
Our practical experience over the years has led us to defining our objectives as:
To help all these people in the Kilbarrack area who are experiencing problems with drugs or alcohol. (This is done through our Community Employment programme and by offering free and confidential counselling to people from the community).
To act as a support and referral agency for these people.
To provide counselling and personal development training to these people to empower them to address their problems.
To provide good quality training so that when they address their addiction problems they will be in a better position to re-enter the labour market.
To work with the young people of the area providing them with activities and developing an alcohol and drugs prevention model.
To work with the local schools, sporting clubs, community and youth associations and other interested parties to develop our community.
Participant Development
In all our activities KCCP has always taken a person centred approach. We were delighted to have received additional government funding to appoint a Rehabilitation Manager in November 2009. This has allowed us to put care planning at the centre of our work.
Services to Community Employment (CE) Participants
The range of services that we provide in addition to the educational requirements under CE is:
· Brief, time-limited interventions
· Low threshold, harm reduction services
· Education and encouragement on available treatment options
· Drug Counselling
· Maintenance of change and relapse prevention work
· Case management
· Care planning
· Dealing with budgetary, housing and child care issues.
· Dealing with mental health issues-anxiety, depression, hopelessness, past/present physical or sexual abuse, stress management and coping strategies, sleep, anger and grief issues.
· Dealing with medical issues
· Dealing with doctors, drug treatment and psychiatric services
· Dealing with dietary and nutrition issues
· Helping to put social supports in place (couples, families and friends)
· Dealing with criminal issues
· Addressing parenting needs
· Providing crisis intervention services (including self-harm and threatened suicide)
· Dealing with sexuality issues
· Helping clients with pregnancy issues
· Dealing with recreational issues
· Helping with daily living issues (personal hygiene, household tasks, cooking and shopping)
In 1997 the Bishops in their Pastoral Letter ‘Breaking the Silence’ “welcomed programmes that help people with drug problems to establish greater stability in their lives and ideally to withdraw from all drugs”. This was part of our original aim in 1997 and remains so today. It is our belief that our participants benefit in a range of ways. The Gardai (Raheny) are on record as stating that the crime rate in Kilbarrack has fallen dramatically since the opening of the drug treatment service in the local HSE clinic and the opening of KCCP (combined with better policing). Our programme since day one has enjoyed tremendous support from the Gardai. Our initial focus began on the drug mis-user. Almost immediately KCCP started working with the families and in recent years we have also focused on the children of drug mis-users. KCCP is confident that it has helped individual drug mis-users, their families and has contributed in a positive way to community development.

Opening Hours
Mon - Fri: 9am-9pm
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed

Donate Today
Make An Impact
In order to continue our work for the community, Kilbarrack Coast Community Programme is dependent on funding and donations. A small contribution goes a long way and gives us the chance to expand and improve our wide range of services. Donate now, and make a difference in the community.

Health Service Executive
The HSE funding allows KCCP to employ a Programme Co-ordinator, Rehabilitation Manager, Youth Worker, Administrator and Drugs Worker. It also provides core funding for Youth Matters and the Reach Out Project. It also allows KCCP to run a Family support group-St. John the Evangelist (which meets every Wednesday night).

Dublin North East
Drugs Task Force
The Dublin North Esat Drugs Task Force provides expertise, support and financial contributions for many of the projects within KCCP.

City of Dublin Education and Training Board
The City of Dublin Educational and Training Board provides educational assessment and support for the participants attending KCCP throughout the year.

Others whom we appreciate their continued support
In January 2012 KCCP formed a partnership with SASSY, which provides an addiction counselling services for those under eighteen years of age (with parental consent) every Monday afternoon.
KCCP have developed excellent working relationships with the local schools, the Gardai, the Probationary Services, Drug Treatment Services and Psychiatric Services-HSE. We also receive great support from Dublin City Council, City of Dublin Youth Services Board and KLEAR the local adult education centre. Sail Ireland has also provided life-changing opportunities for participants in KCCP.
Staff Profiles
Committed to Serving the Community
Marion Clarke
Programme Coordinator
Jenny Meyer
Rehabilitation Manager
Declan Byrne
CE Supervisor
Jenny Kenny
CE Supervisor
Tiernan Williams
Manager of Reach Out Project
Those that make it possible
Our Supporters

Department of Social Protection
The Department of Social Protection funding is used to run a ‘special status’ Community Employment programme open to anyone over the age of eighteen from the greater Kilbarrack area who are experiencing problems with alcohol or drugs. Referrals are made from the local Drug Treatment Services-HSE. This funding is also used to employ support staff on our various programmes.
Kilbarrack Coast Community Programme is your community hub. Let us know what we can do for you.